We have had an amazing summer, and a great start to the fall! I promise to update the site soon, but in the meantme please check out the trailer for a new documentary about BELIEVE IN WONDER!
We're so excited to share this with you! We were recently invited (big thanks to Laura Stanfill) to write a feature about Believe In Wonder for BookLife and Publishers Weekly! In it we talk about our journey to publishing 15 books, with Pawsons 2 coming this fall! It's been a long road, and we see big things coming for our company. Please read, share, and get the word out! #BelieveInWonder #diversebooks #magicandwonder #kidlit #blackownedbusiness #storytellers
Check out the article here! Photo by Laura Stanfill Family Photo by Noelle Bonn Happy November everybody! When I feel that nip in the air, my imagination is always sparked anew. It may be early in the season for some, but in my house the spirit of the holidays is ever present. So here it is...SANTA PROPAGANDA POSTER 2021!! This is my eleventh addition to the series, and I'm very proud it! In fact, this year's process helped me make a decision - I think I'll be making these for the rest of my life ☺. No one ever asked me to make these things, but I've been compelled to make a new one each year for OVER A DECADE! It's about more than just the weird design challenge of making a inherently frightening and persuasive piece of marketing into something magical and hopeful. These posters are my attempt at spreading a piece of my joy with all of you. If my art puts even a little smile on someone's face, or sets off even a spark of inspiration, then the work is well worth the effort. So, Happy Holidays my friends! May your hearts be filled with light ❤ Inspired by J. C. Leyendecker's World War I Boy Scout Poster (1918). *We'll be taking orders for Santa Propaganda Posters on November 15th! #believeinwonder #santaclaus #santapropaganda #christmasart #fantasyart Illustration photo process
Illustration process photos
To celebrate #NationalAdoptionMonth, The Parker Family and #BelieveInWonder were featured as "Voices of Adoption." We are proud to be advocates for foster/adopt families, and to champion the cause. Every child deserves a forever home. The system isn't perfect, and there is a lot of work to be done, but as long as there are dedicated and caring families willing to tough through this bumpy road then every child can have the chance at a nurturing home.
Check out our family story portrait here! Hello friends! Believe In Wonder Publishing is happy to present - MEET WONDER SANTA! Thanks to the wonderful pics from the incredible Noelle Bonn of Bonn Creations, we are able to share a little of our Christmas joy with everyone! And now for a small donation you can get a pre-recorded Messenger video for the nice kiddos in your home (and those trying to be nice! ) For a little more, you can get a video made especially for you! Send us your request and we'll send you the Paypal info or receive your donation through Facebook. SO EASY! Thanks so much, and always believe in wonder! #believeinwonder #santaclaus
Check out more of the Bonn Creations photoshoot here. Hey all! I'm excited to share the newest addition to my Santa Propaganda Poster series! I love taking the intriguing art from WW2 propaganda and using it to promote giving, kindness, and the wonder of the holiday season. This is my tenth poster and tenth year doing this - I think this is my best one yet. Thank you all for your support.
Order your copies of the #SantaPropaganda posters! https://believe-in-wonder-publishing.square.site/
All legends have a beginning - even Santa Claus.
Nicholas is the son of Bishop Nicholas of Marya. After his father's death, Nicholas goes off in search of his mother's homeland to learn about his past. What he finds sets him on the path to becoming the most legendary mage of all time. He'll discover that he comes from a rich magical history that is as wonderous as it is dangerous. This is the beginning of his story - The Epic of Nicholas the Maker. #NicholastheMaker official lauch is November 1st! You can get our copy here! #santaclaus #diversefiction #diversityinpublishing #kidlit #blackownedpublisher #diversecharacters #fairytales #Christmas Hey all! I'm excited to announce that our line of t-shirts and accessories are now available through Teespring in our Believe In Wonder Apparel store! Exciting, right?! We've always wanted to make these designs available to our fans and supporters, and now we have. Our classic BIW logo shirt is there, as well as You Can Rely On Platypi and The Laurel Society from The Wonderous Science. We've also made a new set of designs - DAD IS TRYING and MOM IS TRYING shirts and accessories are available today. Thanks everyone for encouraging us to make this a reality. #BelieveInWonder #apparel #Teespring
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