Thanks for stopping by!
I think that BELIEVE IN WONDER is more than just a hash tag or tagline – it's a call to action. Sometimes circumstances seek to replace our wonder with stark realities and cold hard facts, and it becomes vital to champion imagination. I love the quote by Socrates, "Wonder is the beginning of wisdom." I hold this truth close to my heart, and my work is focused on promoting wonder in the everyday. I hope you enjoy the work on this site, and that you too find some wonder to take back to your regular life.
And yes, WONDEROUS is spelled strangely on purpose. :)
I think that BELIEVE IN WONDER is more than just a hash tag or tagline – it's a call to action. Sometimes circumstances seek to replace our wonder with stark realities and cold hard facts, and it becomes vital to champion imagination. I love the quote by Socrates, "Wonder is the beginning of wisdom." I hold this truth close to my heart, and my work is focused on promoting wonder in the everyday. I hope you enjoy the work on this site, and that you too find some wonder to take back to your regular life.
And yes, WONDEROUS is spelled strangely on purpose. :)
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